Investment Recap

Second Quarter 2024

In the First Quarter of this year, we noted a broadening stock market with more groups and individual stocks participating to the upside. This healthy development came to a halt in the 2nd quarter. The upward market momentum was focused on...

First Quarter 2024

This year’s 1st quarter saw a continuation of the October rally in stocks and the market averages were up approximately 10%. Subsequently, we are experiencing a market correction due to somewhat higher than expected CPI inflation numbers...

Fourth Quarter 2023

The 4th quarter of 2023 was great for stocks and Winslow’s stocks gained approximately 13%, comfortably ahead of the market averages. For the year, our stocks equaled the 25% return of the broad market averages. By now “soft landing” is...

Third Quarter 2023

Higher interest rates in the 3rd quarter were the principal cause of a stock market correction. Ironically, the surprisingly stronger economy and better than forecasted earnings are among the reasons that interest rates have risen. Fears...
